When I stepped into the driver’s seat of FCA almost one year ago, my foremost goal was to visit with as many members and attend as many county affiliate functions as I could. I have certainly racked up the highway and flyway miles. I hope I have succeeded in not just meeting our members but making a positive impact as well. I have certainly made some new friends.
I realize that attending another meeting is not at the top of most folks’ to-do lists.
Believe me when I tell you that I would rather find myself on the business end of a cattle prod than the hot end of a microphone. Public speaking did not come naturally to me.
With this message, I want to encourage you all to continue to step out of your comfort zones and get engaged.
You, the grassroots members are the eyes and ears of FCA. We can all agree that it is important to stay engaged at your county level, but it is VITAL that you continue to show up and speak up on behalf of our organization and our industry outside the meeting rooms that we control.
I believe we are at a pivotal point in the evolution of our Association right now. Ranchers are now being invited to sit at some tables where we may have been served as the main course in the past.
Cows Keep Florida Green isn’t just a trendy catchphrase. It’s being repeated in arenas across our industry. Like-minded organizations, affiliate industries, and governmental agencies are being forced to acknowledge the crucial role farmers, ranchers, and conservation-minded landowners play in keeping our State healthy. You, the members, are the gateway between the public and FCA Staff and serve a crucial role in relaying the concerns and issues affecting our Association.
But first, we must show up to the party and grab our seats at the table. Unless, of course, you are handed the (often dreaded) microphone and then you must stand up, speak out, and fight for us.
As Convention is rapidly approaching, I am still on the road and really looking forward to seeing a few more of you before I pass the reins to our next President.
God Bless, Pat Durden